Education Center Library

If you enjoy learning at your own pace, Next Step Advisors provides an unparalleled collection of video clips answering the most commonly asked questions about Medicare. 

Access all the Education Center resources, from FAQs to a recorded Medicare overview and essential guides to what you need to know about Medicare and how it may impact you.

Start here with our recorded Medicare overview

Enjoy an engaging and educational video with two of our Next Step Advisors explaining what YOU need to know about Medicare.

We Put The Care In Medicare


Cover of a government guide titled "2024 Choosing a Medigap Policy: A Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare." The cover features a senior man reading a book with a child on his lap. It lists the guide's contents on Medigap policies.


Cover of the "Medicare & You 2024" handbook featuring four images: an older man lifting weights, a man and child fishing on a dock, a woman smiling while hugging a young girl and elderly woman, and a doctor discussing with an older man.


Social Security Website Website

Most Frequently Asked Questions

After years of experience helping thousands of Arizonians find the best possible Medicare coverage for their circumstances, the Next Step Advisors share their most commonly asked questions — and then carefully explains the answers.

Basic Insurance Terms – What is a copay, deductible, coinsurance and maximum out of pocket?

Do I HAVE to enroll in Medicare when I turn 65? & I “heard” that I am automatically enrolled in Part A when I turn 65, is that true?

Can I still work past 65 and enroll in Medicare? Or can I keep my group health coverage?

Do I have to file for my Social Security cash benefits to enroll in Medicare?

What are the Medicare enrollment periods?

How do I create a “My Social Security” online account and why should I?

How do I create a Medicare online account?

How do I enroll in Medicare if I am NOT collecting Social Security cash benefits?

How do I enroll in Part A and B when I am beyond age 65?

How do I enroll in Part B when I already have Part A?

How do I avoid Medicare penalties?

Can I continue to contribute to my HSA (Health Savings Account) when I enroll in Medicare? Can I use it to pay Medicare expenses?

How much will my Medicare Part A & B premium cost? And do they change every year?

Why are Medigap prices different when they provide the same coverage?

I heard that I can “change my plan every year” is that true?